Professional Service, Beautiful Results | Irrigation: #LI19729 TDA License: #870111

Fertilizer can help your lawn grow as well. While it is not strictly necessary, and while it is possible to grow a healthy and attractive lawn without the aid of fertilizers, many people find them very helpful. It is important not to apply too much, however, as this can result in the death of your lawn, and also can result in harm to the environment as the excess fertilizer is washed away.

Fertilizers usually come in liquid or granular form. Liquid fertilizers act fast and require application every two to three weeks. They can be applied with a hose-end sprayer or by using a watering can. Granules are dry and require that you water the lawn immediately after their application. You most often use hand spreaders or mechanical spreaders to disburse these types of fertilizers. They can last eight to twelve weeks.

When you use fertilizer, you should be aware that it might be harmful to let your children play on the lawn for a few days. You need to make sure that the fertilizer has been absorbed below the surface before allowing yourself or others to play on the grass. Many conscientious landscapers find that they do not need fertilizers to create a successful lawn.
